Saturday, November 13, 2010

Especially for lazy people

I must confess, I’m quite a lazy person. Well, of course I do all things required at work, I support my family, but when it comes to myself, to my health and body shape, I more often prefer to spend hours in front of the TV set, instead than do jogging or things like that. All this has lead to some problems with overweight, that’s not so pleasant as you may understand. Then my wife offered one option to me, a sort of personal trainer in iphone- pedometer for iphone, created by Viaden Mobile.

The application works quite simple- you do things like running, walking on your treadmill, or just walking in the park with your family, and it counts the distance you’ve covered, the speed and even the calories you’ve burnt. So it really allows me to see the results of my activities per day and set objectives for next one! What seems really convenient to me, it even supports data submission to e-mail!