Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How It All Started With Symfony

We wanted to move all our web development into a new framework long ago. Among the frameworks that he had already tried there was Zend but it was too bulky, heavy and had much unnecessary and had little documentation.

CakePHP was rejected at once since it was based on PHP4. Thus, it had many troubles and there was no need to recall about PHP4.

CodeIgniter attracted our attention as it has much documentation and so on but it was suitable for simple projects only – more complicated projects required something else.

We came across symfony by accident and decided to try it. Symfony attracted our attention by its generators, excessive adjustability, easiness in creating modules and convenient architecture of the code location. Step by step the framework was learnt by our developers and in future all our projects were developed on Symfony.
By the way, Symfony was able to show us a completely new view on web application development and code architecture and helped us get acquainted with the new ORM Propel.