Monday, July 1, 2013

Mobile application development for enterprise

Different mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have completely changed the way that people live their lives. There seems to be an application for every aspect of our personal life. Today more and more businesses are working on creating applications for employees and customers alike.

But it not a simple task to develop software for today’s distributed enterprises. It is often necessary that developers were able to work with multiple technologies, highly distributed environments and computing networks that are often built on a hybrid infrastructure. It is possible to add the pressure to develop mobile applications for growing range of smartphones, tablets and other devices.

Sometimes those who are aiming to develop a mobile application that will make employees more productive and customers – more informed, often make some common mistakes. First of all it is important not to forget that regardless of whether it is a tablet or a smartphone, mobile devices are fundamentally different from desktop and laptop computers. But sometimes developers just try to simply port an existing desktop application over to mobile which is not right. In the same way as many websites have created separate versions optimized for mobile devices the application needs to be designed with the user experience at its core.

It is also worth remembering that most of modern mobile devices have 3G or LTE, a camera, GPS, accelerometers, Bluetooth, WiFi and many other features. A good mobile application will use most of them from basic features like reorienting the display if the device is tilted through to allowing users to snap a picture and upload it straight into the system and even attach a location to it.

Besides a well thought-out mobile application can enable users to be more productive, make their l=jobs easier and even revolutionize a workforce.