Monday, December 20, 2010

Great progress

I’m a very hardworking person, so I’m making a great progress at work. Unfortunately I can’t say the same about myself when it comes to training. Well, I realize perfectly that a healthy body means much more than any money, but the thought of all these gyms with its trainers makes me feel a bit nervous. Luckily recently I’ve found a way out- a kind of personal trainer that really helps you to stay motivated to do training. I’m talking about a new application by Viaden Mobile- GPS Pedometer for iPhone.

I’m using it while running in the morning and so far I’ve lost some extra kilos and feel really fit and healthy! How it works? Quite simple, it just registers your success at training, like the work you’ve done and the result such as number of calories burnt, so you see how effective your training is and free to chose next step, I really love this feature!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Try this tool for web development

Everything in this world has their advantages as well as disadvantages. I have only started learning the Symfony framework and can’t claim that it’s the best framework in the world. But I have already understood that there’s no sense in creating a new engine for a site because what is realized in Symfony is a wide options combined with the real experience of the company that develops websites.  

I can say that the given examples have great opportunities as I’ve been developing web and know what ‘bottlenecks’ can be met in real web applications. And I like the fact that this framework avoids these ‘bottlenecks’ very well.

I’d like to recommend that you stop inventing the bicycle. Let’s invent something more substantial and I have already offered you a great tool to do it - Symfony. You have a choice.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Especially for lazy people

I must confess, I’m quite a lazy person. Well, of course I do all things required at work, I support my family, but when it comes to myself, to my health and body shape, I more often prefer to spend hours in front of the TV set, instead than do jogging or things like that. All this has lead to some problems with overweight, that’s not so pleasant as you may understand. Then my wife offered one option to me, a sort of personal trainer in iphone- pedometer for iphone, created by Viaden Mobile.

The application works quite simple- you do things like running, walking on your treadmill, or just walking in the park with your family, and it counts the distance you’ve covered, the speed and even the calories you’ve burnt. So it really allows me to see the results of my activities per day and set objectives for next one! What seems really convenient to me, it even supports data submission to e-mail!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Gambling is deep in our nature

There are many ways of earning money. More and more businesses go online - why? Because the Internet gives more possibilities for expanding the business and it removes all the boarders.
One of possible ways (and many people consider the best) to buy or order online casino software and create an online casino . According to some analysts and research, people will never stop gambling as it is deep in our nature. People are ready to spend money - online or offline - just to feel the sense of game. Thus, those who know how to play on these people's emotions - know how to earn big money. In many countries casinos are banned - so people moved to online casinos. Don't waste your time - start earning money! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sport and fitness for iPhone

Sport and fitness have become rather large part of my life since my childhood. I have many hobbies connected with sport and active rest because I like variety. Not long ago I installed the new application iphone fitness on my iPhone and can say that this program is very helpful! Now I don’t need to keep my parameters, my goals and achievements and the amount of calories burnt into my mind – everything is in the memory of this clever fitness for iPhone! I just need to choose the appropriate point in the table and I can see all the information I need during workouts!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A dream of every woman

Every woman has a dream or even several dreams. I dream of becoming a model. I'm only 14 now but I think it is enough to think of career in model business. Of course, the parameters of my body are highly significant in this case, that's why I need to get rid of several extra cm on my waist, hips and chest. I attend gymnasium 3 times a week in order to achieve my goals and the new iphone pedometer in very helpful for me in this deal. With the help of this  mobile application I can save my parameters in body tracker and observe how quickly I lose extra centimeters of my body! With the help of this Pedometer for iphone I can also find out which exercises are most effective in burning my extra weight! Since I've received this program my regular fitness has become a real pleasure for me!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Feel happy

Once I was really bored and had no idea what to do. I was just surfing my iPhone. Suddenly my friend called me and said that he had downloaded a new application for iPhone – Poker for iPhone. My friend is crazy about gambling. He has already stuffed his iPhone with all kind of mobile applications. He said the latest one was a perfect thing for pastime. I did the same and installed poker for iPhone on my phone. It turned out to be perfect and rather catching. I didn’t know how to play the game and they have a supporter whose voice helped me during the game. Besides the colors and the interior is so wonderful that you can’t but feel like in a real casino. I passed the whole evening playing the new  mobile application and I never felt bored.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Forever profitable

There is one interesting business that may bring tremendous sums of money in return of investment. It requires really great investments but guarantees high profit. Yes, I'm speaking about starting your own casino.

So, if you have let's say $1 mln and have nothing against gambling business - good luck!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ecology and economy

Economists and businessmen are usually don't much care about ecology. They understand the necessity of some ecological devices and anti-pollution equipment only because of government regulations. And it's not really good to behave this way because of terrible and costly problems that may result from non-ecological way of thinking.

So, I think that ecology-oriented business is the best business to invest money in. Companies producing and supplying something for laboratories will prosper during the next 50 years. Here is a short (not the complete) list of products that may be of great interest from ecological point of view:
BOD Bottles
Digestion vessels
Vials for Ion Chromatography

For sure, It's nothing but my personal opinion.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brother's present and fitness app

Just for fun:

"I’m addicted to fen shui and I definitely believe in its magic – all your wishes will come true if you do everything correctly! There was my birthday on the 1st of June and I offered the present in my mind which I was dreaming of for rather long time – I wanted to have a smartphone very much. I didn’t have enough possibilities to acquire it by myself and hoped to receive such a present for my birthday. I have written my desire on a piece of red paper (according to fen shui, it helps to implement your dreams into life) and started waiting. 

Imagine how I was surprised when my brother presented me this iPhone with one curious feature - All-in Fitness Pedometer! I like this program because it helps me to keep fit and not to get bored while doing this because I can listen to my favorite music while running and counting the calories I’ve spent!" 

For those who is interested in this program - here is the link to AppStore.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Real estate crisis helps to cooperate

The crisis of the market of houses for sale in North Las Vegas has made lots of people to cooperate in order to overcome crisis consequences, as the foreclosures rise, the vacancies disappear and all this requires some close cooperation between local brokers and agents. The cooperation can lead to more people buying property in the area. It’s a well-known fact that there’s some kind of competitiveness between many real estate professionals. But now they tend to work together. The recession has brought people together to generate ideas and exchange some problem solution. In North Las Vegas the broker cooperation has resulted in great relations whiling making the deals. Now more and more agents prefer to work together than to compete as you are likely to get more profit from common work that from individual work. Now brokers work harder and they are more response to every client. Such kind of cooperation benefits everyone as the agents can compare each other work and make deductions

Monday, May 10, 2010

Batteries for laptops

When I bought a laptop a few years ago I was very happy as it had been my dream for many years. I was completely satisfied with the laptop but in a year something happened to my laptop. I couldn’t use it without a charger – the battery was very weak.

I surfed the internet and tried to find out more about laptop batteries. It turned out that the performance of any laptop depends greatly on the quality of the battery.

I’d tried many of them. I bought batteries in specialized shops and on the online shops. And saw no difference. Now I recommend all my friends buying batteries for laptops at BatteryBay where the prices are reasonable and the delivery is quick and reliable.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Choice of providers

One not less important point while starting your online casino is choosing a online casino software  provider. At present there are many online casino and if you want to be a leader in this business, you have to attract your clients all the time. You have to offer something more than a standard set of online games.

You should pay attention to the producers of software. If it is software from Playtech, Bossmedia, Cryptologic, Microgaming and Viaden and so on, i.e. the world’s leaders of gaming business, it will cost big money but it’s worth it. As a rule, this soft is easily installed in any web site and performs great.

I don’t know how to start your own casino  without reliable software. My opinion is that only high quality software can guarantee no cheating and bugs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My own online casino

The best way of relaxing for me is paying online poker or some other casino games. And not only for me, so recently I have started thinking about starting my own online casino. I’ve made some research and tried to find the best software for online casino. It turned out to be a difficult task as there are so many offers in the market. I want my casino to be reliable and easy to use and of course user- friendly. More over, I want to have the possibility to play texas holdem and other poker games. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nomination: Best tool for developers

This news impressed and pleased me: Symfony was nominated for the three awards (Best project, Best Tool for Developers and Best Project for the Enterprise). I don’t know how it can influence the further development of frameworks but I’ll give my vote to Symfony. I’ve known and worked on it for the last 16 months and completely satisfied and wouldn’t like to change it.

If you still uncertain about the choice between symphony and ZendFramework, I wouldn’t advise you to start with Zend as it’s a bit complicated and isn’t suitable for rapid web development. For those who work with Eclipse, there is a good plug in – Symfoclipse.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Las Vegas foreclosures decline

Hardly anyone knows that Las Vegas is one of the foreclosure centers in the country where one in four households is late in their payments or they are facing the foreclosure. But if we take all the rest we can say that they are some renters, county officials and some security systems installer who look for a place to live in and they are desperate to find a good house. There are a lot of people who have foreclosures, but at the same time it’s rather hard to find a house at the attractive price and in the desirable surroundings. The event is a real phenomenon for the country. The local authorities try to help all those who are likely to lose their houses to keep their house off the real estate market. So that’s why many prefer to go to buy a house in Detroit or California where it’s still possible to find a house at a good price, although in California the number of foreclosures is increasing.

The investors who are eager to invest some money suffer as well as they can’t find the appropriate houses to buy. Some experts say that the trend is temporary and the improvement is quite near.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Present for wife

When I was thinking about the present for my wife for Christmas I visited lots of forums and talked to many people. I wanted to give her something to a car (she is crazy about cars) and wants to have all possible things for convenience. Last year she bought a car fridge (to have cool drinks for our children).

A friend of mine offered one online store – Car DVD Online – where he had managed to buy dvd for car with touch screen. I visited the shop and immediately understood what she needed – a dvd player with built-in TV (she likes talk shows and soap operas).

The price was reasonable and I took the one with GPS. I know that this function is not for my wife but for me – why not. Moreover, I decided that I need this small 7-inch  portable DVD player with TV function as a birthday present:

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Actor’s New Paradise

It has been announced that Tom Hanks and his wife have bought a new estate. They have paid 26 million dollars to buy a house in Pacific Palisades. The estate is said to be on the biggest in Los Angeles area. The 26 million purchase includes about 15 000 square feet, four bedrooms and five bathrooms. They say that the new house is twice bigger than their previous house. The surroundings are rather famous. The community has about 30 000 people living there. It has been the site for some film shootings. The place is really great for enjoying life there.

One may say it’s useless to spend so much money for a house, but Tom is a great actor and he has taken part in many great films and each film brought him a fortune. He is one of the actors whose films have always been blockbusters and they will continue the same way.

The area they have chosen is ideal for the family life and it’s rather quiet and it seems to be very private. Many celebrities are eager to buy a house there. Besides, the best of the best are living there and Tom will find somebody to talk to.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Russian market opportunities

Financial and economic crisis brought a lot of troubles for small and medium business all over the world. Large companies with their stabilizing funds managed to control their activities but small teams suffered a lot. But as everybody nows there is no bad news without good news following.

Facing crisis and financial loses at their traditional markets managers of SME started to explore new markets. I just mentioned that my favorite online store selling discounted designer clothing Forever Fashion created a new site that is 100% oriented to the Russian speaking customers - The things are the same but the content is translated into Russian so as domain is not "com" but "ru". I'm sure that it's not because they like to speak Russian but because they want to cover a new market with their services. Good idea, I think!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rich become richer…

I think it’s unfair when new companies suffer big difficulties while entering the market. I’m speaking about some institutional and marketing barriers that economic system creates for new-comers.

For example, many big internet sites selling the goods of other companies (like permit to write testimonials and reviews on company’s services and products. Is it a good IT marketing instrument? Yes, of course. But can it help a small business just entering the market? NO and one more time NO.

Amazon allows the place comment only in 24 hours after buying the good and only if it’s bought from Amazon! For example if you bought a FSBO yard sign from you need to remember to return and to write a review in a day. Do you know a person who will do this? I don’t. I think that not more than 1% will do.

So, if I’m a small online boutique of Prada shoes with 30 customers per month, I’ll get 0.3 reviews per month. Conclusion I’ll get nothing at all. But my large competitor like BlueFly selling thousands of clothing every month will get 10-20 reviews. New customers will come and check for testimonials and will choose BlueFly. So, they will become richer and richer…